Josh Blanck - Report Manager
Josh is a Senior in Software Engineering, currently working with the University in implementing Workday as part of the WorkCyte project. To avoid spoilers, any future information is withheld. When he isn't working or studying, Josh enjoys drinking tea, perusing archives of various cats, or playing video games. Mostly video games.
Trevor Henderson - Test Engineer

My name is Trevor Henderson and I am a Software Engineering student here at Iowa State. My interest include Big Data Analytics and Bioinformatics.
Austin Kerr - Chief Engineer

Austin is a Senior in Software Engineering, currently working this semester as a TA for SE 421x. Last summer Austin worked at Principal Financial Group in Des Moines as an IT intern and will be at Cerner next summer at the Innovations Campus in Kansas City. While he's not busy with school, Austin enjoys rock climbing, traveling, and painting with friends.
Ryan McCullough - Meeting Facilitator

I am a senior in software engineering and my favorite areas of work are web development and databases.
Nick Schneider - Meeting Scribe

My name is Nicholas Schneider and I'm a senior in software engineering. I switched from mechanical engineering my sophomore year and wish to enter a career which I work on embedded systems. In this class I wish to learn more about interacting with a client/boss and working with a team.
Austin Sudtelgte - Chief Engineer

Austin Sudtelgte is a Senior in Software Engineering. His favorite language is C# or python. He has had a 3-year internship developing plugins for 3-D modeling software and augmented reality systems in regard to the design and building of Industrial Processing Plants with Interstates Companies. When he's not doing schoolwork or just working, Austin enjoys reading, playing video games with friends, cooking, and spending time outdoors.